Sunday 12 June 2011

Justice for 26/11- When??

It has been two and a half years since 26/11, and apart from ‘maintaining’ an expensive Ajmal Kasab, India has achieved little towards securing justice for the Mumbai victims.  Given the rogue nature of the failed state called Pakistan, where the shots are called by the very people who are suspected to have perpetrated the assault on our pride, it is worthless to expect any co-operation from their so-called elected representatives. The nexus between the terrorist organizations, ISI and the army is almost a parallel, clandestine government that dwarfs the democratically elected regime in every way. People like Zardari, Gilani and Rehman Malik are mere puppets- for display to the rest of the civilized world. I don’t know how to put it more politely but I think it is a good fortune for India that there were six Americans among the 166 people killed on 26/11, otherwise people like Tahawwur Hussain Rana and David Headley would have never been caught and put to trial; and therefore we’d have probably never known that the handlers of the Mumbai terrorists were members of the ISI and the Pakistani army. The fact that Bin Laden had been living lavishly for minimum five years right under the Pakistani army’s nose is further proof that at least some members of the army and the ISI are supporters of the Al-Qaeda and the affiliate terrorist organizations. While India, despite its proximity to Pakistan, has chosen tons and tons of paper-work over a military offensive, the USA, from thousands of miles away, could neatly and precisely hunt, ambush and kill its prime target Osama Bin Laden right in the heartland of Pakistan. And it was not just because of the millions of dollars in aid pouring-in from USA every now and then that prevented Pakistan from reacting in any worse way than a mere whimper- it was the bully in the heart of every American who wanted to see Osama dead that drove those seals to Osama’s bedroom and shoot him in the head. We, in India, need to have that zeal to act in a similar fashion and flush out our most wanted men from the terror heaven called Pakistan. 


Satinder said...

Very well written, I believe we should just encounter all the terrorists that are arrested, rather than feeding them for years in the jails, giving oppurtunity to the terrorist outfits to do what they did in 1999, by hijacking Indian airlines plane and freed the terrorists in return.

shiv said...

Rule of "civil" law dictates that kasab be tried according to the law of the land, and justice should be done ... we have our television personalities commending india for the "restraint" and "model conduct", while US simply got the job done vis-a-vis Osama. They destroyed the Frankenstein. so, according to the great people on television, we are a more civilised country. But ask me, ask any indian, we would want kasab hanging by the lamp post.....

Dr. Ishtyaque Ansari said...

@Satinder, I agree completely with you

Dr. Ishtyaque Ansari said...

@Shiv, Not only our own people...even the USA itself has been recommending and praising the 'restraint' shown by India, while itself going on a rampage at will, anywhere and everywhere..

Anita Parikh said...

Thank you, Ishtyaque!
Let me share something… I once watched a program on TV that showed youngsters (where else but the US) being quizzed on personalities like Hitler (citing his reign), Gandhi (his nonviolent movement), and some others. And my word it was an eye-opener! There were kids who believed ‘those’ were fictitious characters! Whoever throws their people into gas chambers? Wait no, who has scores of others agreeing to such madness rampaging through other countries come hail or storm… Then again which sane person would ‘fight’ with a non-violent (what’s that?) movement? And all for a country so corrupt to have it rule itself…?
It is a fact that no American citizen will believe that it was their very own FBI that created Osama and the CIA that brought him down – not when they avenge the death of the common citizens with full media coverage… They play their cards to win.
Which is exactly what we do not do. Either our right hand doesn’t know what the left is upto or then we are all so busy disentangling ourselves from the red tape (that only serves to bind our hands), we forget the real fight… and in time we forget what it is to fight.
So really, thank you for bringing on the adrenaline rush that’s so needed to get us moving on the horror that was 26/11… not to mention the scores of Kashmiris killed or ousted from their homes that we have even stopped reacting to (have the killings stopped because there is no one to do away with?). And thank you for not waiting for the obligatory anniversary cover story (it is the only time the poor Bhopal victims get a mention).
Really what it is that we are waiting for – could we have hoped to have more proof?
Is it that we have become blasé by virtue of the occurrence of wrongdoing, or is it our sense of denial – for justice that’s never meted out… I am afraid to wait for time to tell – lest Kasab morphs into a fictitious character!